Readings & Treatments
My treatments take place in a tranquil surrounding with relaxing music, candles, and the smell of relaxing incense. You will receive a cold glass of water to reground and rehydrate your body after the session.
Intuitive Readings:
My readings are based on intuition and mediumship, therefore I pass on information that I am given intuitively. My strongest gifts are claircognizance and clairvoyant which are simply knowing and seeing pictures in my mind. I also use clairaudience (hearing), however this isn't as strong as my other two.
I also use a variety of cards. The type of cards that I use entirely depends on the questions being asked...
For example:
~Fortune cards
~Gypsy Witch cards (cards which tell it how it is)
~Life Purpose cards
~Spirit cards
~Goddess Guidance cards
~Modern Oracle cards
Mediumship is for the client wishing to connect with loved ones... this isn't for everyone, but for those that are interested tend to find a lot of closure from this type of reading.
You may bring along items with other people's energy to help me connect more closely!
Phone and email readings are also available.
Reflexology-healing through the hands and feet! It's very relaxing also very therapeutic healing your body and soul! Reflexology stimulates the bodies natural healing forces through compression to trigger points within the hands and feet! It helps with many ailments especially stress and headaches and correcting all our organs to function correctly.
I am an intuitive reflexologist who heals your body through hands and feet! By massaging and manipulating these parts we are creating the energy flow to all parts of the body-muscles, organs, glands, back ailments etc to create a healing process! All parts of the feet and hands relate to a particular part of the body, we can tell by the tenderness etc of which part of the body needs healing. I use this technique as well as intuition! I often pick up on other things as I am healing you in which I share with you. Reflexology is also very relaxing and very beneficial if you suffer from stress and headaches! In my practice I use relaxing music set in a peaceful area with candles to get the full benefit of the healing! Reflexology will balance the body back to a normal function. Stress is the biggest factor of the body not functioning correctly therefore reflexology will assist in correcting the unbalanced body! You will leave feeling so revitalised and your body will be so much lighter.